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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Billboard Sighting

I mentioned to you all, my TMoOD friends, in the Forum under 'Skeet in People', that there was a billboard with an ad for Jericho with a picture of Skeet/Jake. I saw it daily as I passed by on the bus to and from work. On November 20/06 I photographed this billboard, and I am glad I did because a few days later the billboard had changed to a mall ad promoting Christmas shopping! I had also mentioned that as I passed the sign I would look at Skeet/Jake and it looked like his eyes were following me! Here are three pictures of the 6 I took. I am not editing them in any way to get rid of the background. And there is a reflection on one of the pictures, but it gives a different angle and you can see that Skeet/Jake is looking right at you! Enjoy!

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