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Saturday, March 12, 2005

First Meeting

Awkward is the word I should say. Skeet's son loves to say the word and Keri Russell even said she loved the awkwardness of Ray and Livy's situation in the movie. You can definitely feel exactly that in the movie.

From the time they introduce themselves, the awkwardness is apparent. What could Ray be thinking that moment? I bet he's thinking--"oh my god, she's not only highly educated but she's also beautiful!" that must be awkward all right.

I also love how he reacts all throughout their first meeting. It is sad to realize that Livy looks a little irritated that he can't say a word without her having to start the conversation.

And When she asked him "Do you have any doubts", it endeared us more to Ray that he answered without hesitation "No Ma'am"
